1. Continue my passion for foundation with testing and buying ~ Grade
A ~ I bought 2 new
foundations in March and tested 3. Lately, in case you're curious, Dior Nude Air and L'Oreal Infallible Pro-Matte have captured my heart.
2. I will not buy any more matte lipstick
~ Grade
A ~ This was easy in March. I struggled in February to meet this resolution. Matte lipstick didn't even tempt me this month.
3. I am re-committing to using Rogaine
twice daily ~ Grade A- ~
4. I will color my roots every three weeks
~ Grade
A ~ Done! It's a really nice feeling to not have horrible grey growth staring back at you from the mirror.

6. I will depot all my single eye shadows and organize them into
Z-palettes ~ Grade A ~
I started depotting - hear the crowd cheer? Once again, YouTube influenced me. There was a video of depotting the Urban Decay Naked Palette which was the nudge I needed. I started with the UD and then moved on to singles. My depotting is a sea of neutrals. Hmmm.
7. I will not buy any eye liners. I
rarely, more like never, wear eye liner with these hooded lids of mine ~ Grade
A ~ Easy!
8. Lip liner - Either I'm committing to
not buying more or I'm committing to using the ones I have ~ Grade
A ~ Of the 31 days in March, I actually used lip liner 5 days. Still not a fan but using a lip liner those 5 days helped convince me there is no need to buy any.
9. I will train myself to gently pat my
face dry instead of rubbing the heck out of it with the towel ~ Grade
A ~ This has been the hardest resolution to keep. Putting a little sign near my towel rack was the magic sauce for me.
10. I will not buy any more vintage
perfume from ebay no matter how spectacular the ebay feedback is or how
sterling the seller's reputation is on the secondary market ~ Grade
A ~ This was another easy one for me in March. I started forcing myself to spritz my perfume samples in hopes of finding a new favorite. No such luck but it's also keeping me away from vintage shopping.
11. No more buying body wash until I'm
down to three or four or five bottles ~ Grade A ~
Still a very, very difficult resolution for me to keep. Philosophy relaunched some of their beachy summer scents, Dial or maybe SoftSoap came out with new scents at Walgreens and let's not even go down the path of the new scents at Bath and Body Works. Heavens! I predict complete abandonment of this resolution in April.
12. I will continue my personal campaign to encourage all women
everywhere to wear lipstick all the time ~ Grade A ~
Never fear, this is sealed deal for the rest of the year.
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